DermoCosmetic er en af landets førende klinikker indenfor rynkebehandlinger og hudforyngelse. Fremhæv dine smukke træk, reducer dine rynker eller genskab tabt volumen. Vi tilpasser behandlingen specifikt til dit ansigt og dine ønsker.
Få et friskere udseende, hvor du bevarer et naturligt udtryk
Ønsker du at få gjort noget ved dine rynker? I de fleste tilfælde kan du opnå en rigtig god effekt af en behandling af rynker med enten laser og IPL, muskelafslappende toxiner eller ikke-permanente fillere hos DermoCosmetic i København, Skodsborg og Aalborg.
Hvad er rynker?
Rynker er et naturligt led i den naturlige aldring af huden. Huden bliver tyndere og mister efterhånden sin elasticitet. Nogle mennesker udvikler dog rynker tidligere end andre. Det kan bl.a. skyldes livsstil, men kan også skyldes arv.
Næsten alle rynker kan enten fjernes eller reduceres kraftigt. Uanset om der er tale om rynker opstået som følge af mimik, solskader, rygning eller almindelig aldring.
Injektionsbehandlinger for rynker
Hos DermoCosmetic bliver du behandlet således, at resultatet altid bliver et smukt, naturligt ansigtsudtryk. Vores filosofi er: Ingen vil vide det - alle vil bemærke det. Med andre ord: Du kommer til at se friskere og kønnere ud, uden at du ser behandlet ud.
Botulinum toxin:
Botox (Botulinum Toksin) er et toksin, som forhindrer frigivelsen af signalstoffer mellem nerve og muskel, hvilket forårsager en afslapning af musklen. Folder og rynker bliver derfor forhindret i at trække sig sammen og resulterer i at huden udglattes. Følesansen i det behandlede område bevares og du ender ud med et mere friskt, smukt og naturligt udseende.
Ikke-permanente filler:
Restylane er en ikke-permanent filler, der bruges til at give ekstra volumen i ansigtet samt til rynkereduktion. Restylane er deruodver også eminent til at skulturere hage, kæbelinje eller kindben. En Restylane behandling kan her tilføre ny, frisk hyaluronsyre i huden, så linjer og fuger bliver reduceret, samt at der genskabes mere volumen.
Sunekos er en injektionsbehandling, der gendanner og opbygger hudkvalitet og balance. Dens unikke formel er effektiv til at opstramme og reducere mørke render samt fine linjer. Behandlingen modvirker derfor aldringstegn på bedste vis og er særligt effektivt for dem, som vil undgå at miste mimik og deres naturlige ansigtsform.
Profhilo er den første injicerbare anti-ageing behandling til løs hud. Behandlingen indeholder en høj koncentration af hyaloronsyre, som tilfører ekstra fugt og volumen til huden. Denne behandling er ideel mod kreppet og løs hud.
Hvordan undgår jeg at forværre rynker?
Det er vigtigt at bruge en god spf hver dag. Vi anbefaler mærket SkinCeuticals, som tilbyder solcreme til alle hudtyper samt med eller uden farve. Du skal derudover undgå tobaksrygning.
Optimér dine behandling med en god hudpleje rutine. Til rynker anbefaler vi en a-vitamin creme (Ansigtscremen) eller en retinol creme (SkinCeuticals).
Do you feel like you look older than you actually are?
Our face changes as we age, resulting in more wrinkles. With Botox, we can erase the signs of time and give you a beautiful and natural facial expression, where you maintain a lively expression.
Do you feel like you look older than you actually are?
Our face changes as we age, resulting in more wrinkles. With Botox, we can erase the signs of time and give you a beautiful and natural facial expression, where you maintain a lively expression.
I DermoCosmetic København og i Skodsborg behandler vi oftest dine rynker i panden med sammen med rynker ved øjnene, f.eks. mellem øjnene ("vredesrynker") eller ved siden af øjnene ("kragetæer"). Hermed undgås den uønskede effekt, at panden risikerer at "sænkes", Læs mere om behandlingsforløbet.
Radiesse – en effektiv genskabelse af tabt volumen
Yderligere information om rynkereduktion i panden
Ved en konsultation kan du få yderligere information. Vi kan vurdere og forklare, hvad vi kan gøre for dig.
Andre behandlingsområder for rynker
Toxin kan også bruges til rynkereduktion ved øjnene og rynkereduktion i ansigtet samt til visse rynker omkring munden, på hagen og halsen.
Do you feel like you look older than you actually are?
Our face changes as we age, resulting in more wrinkles. With Botox, we can erase the signs of time and give you a beautiful and natural facial expression, where you maintain a lively expression.
Do you feel like you look older than you actually are?
Our face changes as we age, resulting in more wrinkles. With Botox, we can erase the signs of time and give you a beautiful and natural facial expression, where you maintain a lively expression.
Do you feel like you look older than you actually are?
Our face changes as we age, resulting in more wrinkles. With Botox, we can erase the signs of time and give you a beautiful and natural facial expression, where you maintain a lively expression.
As we age, we all develop mimic wrinkles, which many of us would rather not have, as they can make us look tired or worried. Fortunately, there is a solution. These types of wrinkles can be reduced with Botox.
What is Botox?
Botox (Botulinum Toxin) is a toxin that prevents the release of neurotransmitters between the nerve and muscle, causing the muscle to relax. Folds and wrinkles are therefore prevented from contracting and the skin is smoothed. The sensation in the treated area is preserved and you end up with a fresher, more beautiful and natural appearance.
The effect occurs gradually over 14 days and will decrease again after 3-6 months. We therefore recommend a touch-up treatment every 4 months.
Botox is the most widely used and thoroughly tested of all wrinkle treatment methods in the world. It is a safe preparation that has been used for almost 50 years for, among other things, spastic paralysis, sweating patients and for the treatment of migraines and later for cosmetic treatments.
What can Botox do for me?
Botox is for those who would rather be free from wrinkles that make you look angry, tired or worried, but can also be used for certain wrinkles around the mouth, on the chin and neck. More advanced Botox treatments include reduction of strong chewing muscles and treatment for visible gums.
We use Botox for:
The worry line (glabella)
Eyebrow lift
Smile lines at the eyes (crow's feet)
Lip wrinkles and lifting and mouth corners
Gummy smile
Chin lift and chin lift
Masticatory muscles
Wrinkles on the neck and chest
The Botox treatment itself
First of all, you will need to come to our consultation at least 48 hours before the treatment itself. During the consultation, you will receive thorough guidance from one of our cosmetic nurses, and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. After the 48-hour reflection period, we can treat you.
Individually tailored treatment plan
At DermoCosmetic, we value your feeling safe, well-informed and involved. We therefore offer to work with you to create an individual and tailored treatment plan that suits your expectations, wishes and needs.
How is a Botox treatment performed?
The treatment itself takes about 10-15 minutes, depending on which area you need to have treated with Botox (Azzalure). Your therapist disinfects your skin, and with a very thin needle, Botox is injected in small amounts into the area(s) you want treated. The treatment takes place while you lie or sit on a treatment table.
Is anesthesia necessary?
Most people do not experience pain during a Botox treatment. The tip of the needle used to inject Botox into the skin is very thin. Most people experience the stings as small and insignificant.
After treatment
Immediately after the treatment, in some cases, slight swelling is seen in the treated areas and disappears after a few hours. Since the treatment is gentle and is not a surgical procedure, you can resume your normal life immediately after a treatment without major discomfort. You may be slightly red and swollen in the treated area for a few days after the treatment, this is completely normal.
The effect occurs gradually over 14 days, where you can see the final result. The effect of a Botox treatment lasts between 3-6 months. We recommend a touch-up treatment every 4 months.
The result is always a beautiful and natural facial expression with preservation of a lively mimic. See our beautiful results . The durability of the treatment is extended by regular treatments. At the same time, the need for the amount of Botox (Azzalure) in most areas of the face is reduced. You are always welcome to come by and have an assessment of whether it is time for a new treatment.
Get a no-obligation and free Botox consultation
Would you like to know more about what Botox can do for you? During a consultation, you can be further informed about everything you need to know about a Botox treatment, as well as how we can help you achieve your desired result. At DermoCosmetic, we emphasize that you should be safe and well-informed.
Book a free consultation with one of our cosmetic nurses today on tel. 31 21 64 24, and let us help you become an even more beautiful version of yourself.
A combination treatment with Botox and Restylane can create great results, as either Botox or Restylane is often not enough.
Together they create relaxation of the muscles and fullness in the areas you desire.
A combination treatment with Botox and Restylane is advantageous because they treat two different types of problems. Botox works to relax the dynamic wrinkles caused by repetitive facial movements such as frown lines. Restylane, on the other hand, restores lost volume and helps shape and define.
What is a combination treatment?
Combining Botox and Restylane addresses multiple areas of the face at once. Botox is typically used to reduce wrinkles around the eyes and for forehead wrinkles, whereas Restylane is generally used in the mid and lower areas of the face as it restores volume.
Using Botox and Restylane filler together can also prolong the results of your treatment. The hyaluronic acid in many fillers tends to break down faster in areas of the face that are very active (such as around the mouth). It can be helpful to use Botox first to relax the muscles so that the hyaluronic acid does not break down at the same rate.
What can a combination treatment do for me?
Botox is a purified form of a neurotoxin that causes muscle activity to relax wherever it is injected. This reduces the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. A few strategically placed Botox injections can minimize the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes and forehead, among other things.
Restylane fillers fill in wrinkles and lines to make them appear smaller. All Restylane products are formulated with hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance that attracts and retains moisture. Restylane is often used to fill in folds and lines around the nose and mouth (i.e., nasolabial folds) and to create volume in the cheeks. It is also used to contour the cheekbones, lips, and jawline.
Examples of combination treatments
Gummy Smile
Some people feel that their gums are too prominent when they smile. This is called a 'gummy smile'. In a Gummy Smile, the upper lip is raised too far above the teeth, exposing more of the gums. This can create a strained smile.
One of the causes of Gummy Smile is an overactive muscle that raises the upper lip. Fortunately, Gummy Smile can be easily and effectively corrected with Botox injections to reduce the activity of the muscle that raises the upper lip. The client in the picture also had extra volume added to the upper lip with Restylane filler to create a more harmonious smile. See pictures of gummy smile here .
Lip flip
Does your upper lip pull up when you smile, making it appear smaller than it is? With a Botox treatment in the lip line, we can create a relaxing effect in the area and thus give a more gentle expression. By creating a relaxing effect, the lips will also appear fuller. This treatment can be advantageously combined with a Restylane treatment, if more fullness is desired in the lips. See pictures of lip flip here .
The face is one of the biggest indicators of age, but is often neglected when it comes to anti-aging. The ideal combination of Botox and Restylane depends on factors such as your age, the intensity of your wrinkles, and your personal goals and preferences. Here, a smoothing of the forehead is seen, as well as filling in the nasolabial folds for more volume in the face.